Video Rating: 4 / 5
Didier Drogba is my hero, so its no wonder that my most prized possession is a pair of Drogba’s Football Boots – sadly they don’t score as many goals as his do, but they DO make me feel like a model pro!
FIFA 11 Ultimate Team – Player Of The Week – Didier Drogba is BeasTT!!! – HD – Gameplay/Commentary
June 27, 2011
March 8, 2017
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Andy Carroll is similar to the drog. And people get very annoyed when he scores against them. entertaining!
sounds like philpotto
how do you check what triats they have?
This guy doesn’t know how to talk.
hes a tret best website ever!!!!!
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how the hell do u get so much money?
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you sound like a gimp
@CoD4NoScOpEr1103 ever heard about ebay ?
how the hell did you get that Spanish liga team?|:
how do you afford all these players?
wtf is going to have 200k to spare in this crappy market
He should definitely have flair. He does Rabonas quite often irl..
dont do big players of course there beast use examples like FRED, OLIVERA, and all does low rated but really good players like HONDA, BASTOS players that are low rated and good beasts
@Tomaz12345 sounders fc home kit, a MLS team from seattle
What kit is he playing with?
Never heard of drogba lol jks.
Conor McLaughlin for England lol
Man Utd are the best in the world
I love Daniel Sturridge
Wish Saha could stay fit
Time to win
Ha ha Great stuff
I wanted more
Chelsea will win it
lol thats about right!
Thanks for this – enjoyed it
thanks for this
Had something like this myself last week
This is the best fotoball blog ever!